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Relationship between in vivo digestibility and in situ degradability of grass silage

 Relationship between in vivo digestibility and in situ degradability of grass silage
Dpto. of Technology Agricultural  I.E.S. “La Granja” 39792 Heras. Cantabria, Spain
21st General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation.
 Badajoz 3-6 Abril 2006, 511-513

In 1997 and 1998 silage from a pasture composed by Lolium. perenne and Trifolium pratense was harvested at different maturity stages[jointing (26th March), stark of spiking (10 April and spiking 2 April] preserved with 3.5 l of formic acid/tonne of fresh pasture and ensiled in clamp silos. Silages were offered to three non lactating cows placed in a metabolic chamber for in vivo apparent digestibility of dry matter (DMD), organic matter (OMD), neutral detergent fiber (DNDF), nitrogen (DN) and effective in situ degradability (MDd, MOd, FNDd y Nd) following a latin square design. In situ degradability was a good predictor of in vivo digestibility.

Keywords: silage, maturity, cow dairy, prediction
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