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Effects of the application of nitrogen on the fatty acid profile in coastal zone meadows in Cantabria

Effects of the application of nitrogen on the fatty acid profile in coastal zone meadows in Cantabria (Spain) used for pasture


Technology Agricultural Department, I.E.S. La Granja 39792 Heras. Cantabria, Spain

Grassland Science in Europe 2011, Vol 16, 253-255


The aim of this study is to analyze the fatty acids (FAs) of meadow grass used for grazing from April to October and fertilized with 0, 12 y 24 kg N ha-1 month-1 during 2007 and 2008. The experiment was developed on soil type Gleisol eútrico/Regesol spoli-autropico, at 43 º 24 'N and 3 º 45' and 44 m above sea level.The application of N increased the concentration of all AGs (P < 0.001). The N content of the grass was positively correlated with C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2 and C18:3. The highest concentration of AFs was registered in April and October, coinciding with the higher leaf-stem ratio.The N rate interaction per month was only for the total of FAs (P < 0.05) y P < 0.001 C18:0, C18:1 y C18:3. Between doses of N, the largest responses are obtained with apportions of 12 kg N ha-1 month, with increase percentages with regards the unfertilized sample of 7.5%, 19%, 10%, 7.3% y 23% for those fatty acids.

Keywords: grazing, herbage quality, linoleic, linolenic, nitrogen fertilizer      
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